Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by CORinASON.
Din valurile vremii, iubita mes rasai

Cu bratele de marmur,cu parul lung, balai-

Si fata stravazie ca fata albei ceri

Slabita de umbra duioaselor dureri!

Cu zambetul tau dulce tu mangai ochii mei

Femeie inter stele si stea intre femei

Si intorcandu-ti fata spre umarul tau stang

In ochii fericirii ma uit pierdut si plang.

Cum oare din noianul de neguri sa te rump

Sa te ridic la pieptu-mi, iubite inger scump,

Si fata mea in lacrimi pe fata ta s-o plec,

Cu sarutari aprinse suflarea sa ti-o-nec

Si mana friguroasa s-o incalzesc la san,

Aproape mai aproape pe imima-mi s-o tin.

Dar vai,un chip aievea nu esti, astfel de treci

Si umbra ta se pierde in negurile reci

De ma gasesc iar singur cu bratele in jos

In trista amintire a visului frumos...

Zadarnic dupa umbra ta dulce le intind:

Din valurile vremii nu pot sa te cuprind

I've made this watercolor painting today inspired by this poem by Mihai Eminescu.This poem was the text on my literature written subject of the bacalaureat exam.When i was in the exam and i read the poem my mind created this image, a fatasmatic image of the poet's lover in the "Waves of time", something that was real in the past and now is just a ghost generated by the poet's memory.This poem moved me.I made many drawings and paintings(mi first in 2000) inspired by this poem but this is the newest and the most beautiful and apropiate to the image the poem generated in my mind


Unknown said...

hi Corina!!! gut to see you

coolboy said...

sounds beautiful

Anonymous said...

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milli said...

frumos... armonios...


Anonymous said...

frumoasa poezia,daca e facuta de tine jos palaria.La mai multe.

Baldovin said...

nu te lasa. Picteaza si scrie. Nimic nu le poate compensa. Eventual alte arte